How you pay your debts determines how soon you will be debt free.When you cut down your expenses to pay your debts you take your first step towards controling your financial future.Avoiding credit card expenses further strengthens your debt reduction plan.But debt stacking can go a long way in reducing debts much quicker.There is no denying that a debt consolidation solution can simpplify the process with just one creditor to pay but if you are not considering consolidation then let's take a closer look at how debt stacking can make you debt free faster :
Write down your debts : When listing your debts start with the smaller ones.For the larger debts,write the high interest debts before the low interest debts.
Pay minimums starting with small debts : Every debt affects the budgeting and expenses .Hence, it's a burden on mind.Conversely,every debt that is successfully paid off lifts your spirit and indicates progress towards debt elimination.It is a testimony for your debt reduction plan .So,beginning with the smallest debt start paying the minimum. As each debt is paid off check them off.
Roll the payments : Once a debt is paid focus on the next one. Roll on the funds from the previous debt to the next one.You will be paying more than the minimum amount towards this debt now.Thus, you will pay off this debt much quicker than you would have done without debt stacking.This will also save you a lot of cash .
Once you become debt free ,don't spend all the cash you were paying your debt with. Instead, build your cash reserves. This will be a security for future financial requirements.Investing some of your savings wisely is also a good step towards better financial management.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Debt Stacking eliminates debt faster
Posted by Capitalcrux at 2:25 PM
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