Credit card debts can be disastrous for the financial security of a family.Most people find it extremely difficult to ever pay off their credit debts once they get into this abyss.This is mainly because while spending with a credit card ,we don't have to handle cash .So, even while incurring expenditures with credit card we normally won't be making when paying with cash, we are not concerned about the money we spend.The fact that virtually every business these days accepts credit card payments only adds to the plight.A client specific debt consolidation solution with a secured loan can go a long way towards solving credit debt.
This is the story of almost every family. A certain Mr A uses his credit card to make payments that he can't afford.When the time comes to repay the credit card debts , Mr A is able to make only part payments because while spending what he had in mind was not his family's income but the credit limit of his plastic .Now he doesn't have the cash to pay off the debt at one go and here begins the vicious cycle of paying high interest towards the debt,month after month.As it starts taking a toll on the budgeting and necessary expenses of his family ,he feels the crunch & decides to give his personal loan payment a skip to keep repaying the credit card debt.
The sad part is,when he prioritises the credit debt payment and misses a payment on any of his other debts,it reflects on his credit rating. This gives the creditors a chance to increase the interest rate even if he hasn't missed a payment on the credit card debt.With the increased interest rate it becomes even harder to keep up with the payments and Mr A feels trapped.A debt consolidation solution can be the breather he needs to be free again.He is a perfect candidate for a secured debt consolidation loan.
A secured debt consolidation loan gives you the chance to deal with just one creditor and use the money to clear off all the other debts.You will also be paying a much lesser interest rate that you feel comfortable paying thus bringing down your monthly payment.The debt consolidation solution takes away the stress and doesn't choke your monthly budget.
If you can relate to the story of Mr A and feel the anxiety of having lost your freedom to credit card debt then be brave to realise that there is a way out of it.A good debt consolidation solution can not only pull you out of the blues of credit card debt but can also give you and your family the freedom and happiness that you deserve.You owe it to yourself and your loved ones.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Debt Consolidation Solution for Credit Card Debt
Posted by Capitalcrux at 6:58 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Debt Stacking eliminates debt faster
How you pay your debts determines how soon you will be debt free.When you cut down your expenses to pay your debts you take your first step towards controling your financial future.Avoiding credit card expenses further strengthens your debt reduction plan.But debt stacking can go a long way in reducing debts much quicker.There is no denying that a debt consolidation solution can simpplify the process with just one creditor to pay but if you are not considering consolidation then let's take a closer look at how debt stacking can make you debt free faster :
Write down your debts : When listing your debts start with the smaller ones.For the larger debts,write the high interest debts before the low interest debts.
Pay minimums starting with small debts : Every debt affects the budgeting and expenses .Hence, it's a burden on mind.Conversely,every debt that is successfully paid off lifts your spirit and indicates progress towards debt elimination.It is a testimony for your debt reduction plan .So,beginning with the smallest debt start paying the minimum. As each debt is paid off check them off.
Roll the payments : Once a debt is paid focus on the next one. Roll on the funds from the previous debt to the next one.You will be paying more than the minimum amount towards this debt now.Thus, you will pay off this debt much quicker than you would have done without debt stacking.This will also save you a lot of cash .
Once you become debt free ,don't spend all the cash you were paying your debt with. Instead, build your cash reserves. This will be a security for future financial requirements.Investing some of your savings wisely is also a good step towards better financial management.
Posted by Capitalcrux at 2:25 PM 0 comments